Type. A characteristic general attitude or function.
[The] function-types, which one can call the thinking, feeling, sensation, and intuitive types, may be divided into two classes according to the quality of the basic function, i.e., into the rational and the irrational. The thinking and feeling types belong to the former class, the sensation and intuitive types to the latter. A further division into two classes is permitted by the predominant trend of the movement of libido, namely introversion and extraversion.[“Definitions,”CW6, par. 835.]
Jung believed that the early distortion of type due to parental or other environmental influences can lead to neurosis in later life.
As a rule, whenever such a falsification of type takes place . . . the individual becomes neurotic later, and can be cured only by developing the attitude consonant with his nature.[“General Description of the Types,” Ibid, par. 560.]