Jungian dream interpretation: Readings

New York city jungian therapist/analyst carl jung therapy 


(There is a lot here. Read as much as you want.)







If you want more reading, what follows is also helpful, especially the first two books:

A discussion of dreams by von Franz (available in paperback version):
Dreams :
author: Marie-Louise von Franz.
I suggest you read the first two chapters

A more serious discussion of dreams by Jung (available in paperback version):
Dreams :
author: Jung; editor Adler; translator RFC Hull.
Princeton University press.
I suggest you look at the following chapters: Part I: 1; Part III: 1; then, if you want, Part II.

A wonderful collection of symbolic images analyzed:
The Book of Symbols. Reflections on Archetypal Images
ARAS, Archive for Research in Archetypal Symbolism. Taschen.

A detailed description of the method – not so easy to read:
Dreams, A Portal to the Source
authors: Edward Whitmont, Sylvia Perera.

If you buy some of these books, we hope you will support the Foundation by ordering them from our bookstore.