Talk therapy and depression: therapy may help best with depression

Maxson McDowell PhD, LMSW, LP is a warm, engaged, highly experienced therapist who has been in private practice in New York City for the past 30 years. He offers therapy for depression, relationship problems, work problems, creative blocks and anxiety.

max mcdowell.jungian psychoanalysis

Depression can have many causes; talk therapy is often what helps the most. If you develop a secure relationship with your therapist and if you feel understood, chances are your depression will lessen.

Depression robs you of energy and initiative. If you feel supported your energy will tend to return and you will take better care of yourself – which, in turn, will help you feel better. In a secure relationship you can talk about the issues causing your depression; talking often helps them to transform.

Depression can be linked to problems with relationships, with your job, your creative work, and to anxiety.

Sometimes depression comes before a creative challenge and then lifts once the creative work has begun. Therapy can help you understand the challenge you haven’t met yet, and can help you meet it.

I work with individuals and frequently with couples. I work well with creative people. I trained as a social worker and as a Jungian analyst and I qualify for insurance as an out-of-network provider.


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